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2024-03-12 13:10:00

Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses können Sehenswürdigkeiten erkennen
Mark Zuckerberg führt es vor: Metas Ray-Ban Smart Glasses können Sehenswürdigkeiten identifizieren und Fragen zu frierenden Pferden beantworten.
2024-04-11 17:41:30

NHS, heart treatment waiting lists
"The number of patients with serious heart problems forced to wait more than 18 weeks for care has risen fivefold since Covid struck"
"Likely factors include “severe cardiac staff shortages” in the NHS, the ageing population and widening health inequalities"
And heart damage from covid, one might expect? But no mention of _that_ possibility!
Covid probably killed or disabled some of the heart experts as well.
#covid #CovidErasure
2024-03-13 10:38:16

Nice, so ziemlich alles, was Herzversagen verhindert, finde ich gut. Heute: Covid-Impfstoffe
2024-03-13 09:51:35

"Researchers say jabs substantially reduce for up to a year the chances of serious cardiovascular complications"…
2024-03-11 19:22:00

Thank you for your hard work, Hideo Kojima 🙏

A screenshot of Hideo Kojima on Twitter saying “It was an honor to voice video kojima”

Below that embedded is a picture saying “Hideo Kojima is voiced by Hideo Kojima”

A Twitter user asks “Will you continue with this role in the future”

To which Hideo Kojima replies “No”
2024-04-11 06:52:18

“anyone over 40-ish uses it in the first sense, and anyone under 40-ish uses it in the second sense..."
How interesting. I’m over 40 but I’ve always used it in the second sense. I’d never heard it defined in the first sense before. Anyone else?
2024-03-11 18:06:46

A new post on
"How do we stop a resurgence of fascism?
Is it bad to write for hard-right outlets?"
In which I find myself in a dilemma.
2024-04-12 23:27:20

Creating safety so that people are not harmed by mistakes also extends to inclusive leadership!
When I came out many years ago, my mother said that she really liked that their PFLAG facilitator told them it was okay to make mistakes and accidentally say hurtful things about queer people as long as they learn their mistakes and apologize.
I told my mother that was a great idea, and that I was glad she had someone she could ask offensive questions so that I'm not hurt by her learning process!
That wasn't the response she wanted, but it was the explanation she needed. It's not that you must censor yourself to avoid ever saying hurtful things to queer folks, but that when you're early in your inclusion journey, maybe you should save those questions for someone who won't be hurt by them. There's a lot of you and not a lot of us, and I'm kind of tired of Queer 101.
2024-03-13 10:38:16

Nice, so ziemlich alles, was Herzversagen verhindert, finde ich gut. Heute: Covid-Impfstoffe
2024-03-12 11:45:19

A new post on
How do we stop a resurgence of fascism? Is it bad to write for hard-right outlets?" In which I find myself in a dilemma.